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Falcons Primary School


Falcons welcomes you

We want you to be confident that Falcons Primary School is the right choice for both you and your family. Although our website and prospectus will give you a good overview of our school, we would very much encourage you and your child to visit us to experience first-hand what our school is like and how it would feel to be a parent and pupil here. We offer many different opportunities to get to know us: an Open Morning, a personal tour, a meeting with the Head, or an opportunity to attend one of our events.

Please complete the form below and we will get in contact with you or contact the school office directly. 


Admissions Policy

Falcons Primary School (FPS) adheres to the Leicester City Council’s primary coordinated admissions scheme for first time admissions and in-year (mid-term) admissions.  We are committed to following the School Admissions Code, the School Admission Appeals Code, and participate in full with Leicester City Council’s Fair Access Protocol. Akaal Education Trust is the admission authority.  The admission arrangements if require changing will be consulted on in accordance with the school admissions codes and once determined by the Trustees and Governors of the Academy Trust will be on the FPS’s website by 1st May in the determining year. 

Admissions Number

In order to ensure that FPS complies with infant class size legislation, the admission number for 4+ entries (foundation stage ii) for September 2015/2016 was up to 60 children.  In addition, FPS offered up to 60 places, for September 2015/2016 entry into Year 1. For the main admission round (foundation stage ii), all on-time preferences are considered simultaneously.  If the school is oversubscribed, all applications for places are ranked using the school’s over subscription criteria.  Late applications receive the lowest priority however will still be considered under the same FPS admissions criteria.  If FPS is under subscribed all pupils that apply will be offered a school place at FPS up to the admission number.


Falcons Primary School does not have a designated catchment area. 


Registration Process

Falcons Primary School is now taking mid-term applications for the current academic year and the new Reception intake for next academic year in 2023.

How to Apply

1. School Registration Form, click the link below and complete the simple form.


2.  If you would like a place for your child at Falcons Primary School in September 2023 school year then apply with the Leicester City Council click on the link below:

Leicester City Council Admissions



Please email school registration form to: 


or post to:

George Hine House
Gipsy Lane


Admissions Appeal

Until otherwise, FPS will engage the services of the local authority’s appeals service where this is not possible FPS will engage the services of an independent appeals service.  All appeals in the first instance should be made in writing using the Leicester City Council’s appeal forms.