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Falcons Primary School

Safeguarding at Falcons

Falcons Primary is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment.

To view the Falcons Primary Safeguarding Policy visit our School Policies section 

Designated Safeguarding Officers at Falcons Primary

If you are concerned about the welfare or safety of a child in any way, please speak to a Designated Safeguarding Lead/Team Members

 Keeping Children Safe


Mrs Mann

Designated Safeguarding Lead

Head Teacher

Mrs Young

Designated Safeguarding Lead

Deputy Head teacher

Ms Southward

Designated Safeguarding Team

Early Years Leader

Ms Kaur

Designated Safeguarding Team

Class Teacher

Mrs Mistry


Safeguarding Team

Teaching Assistant

Mrs Mason - Designated Safeguarding Lead - Governor

If you have any safeguarding worries or concerns, in the first instance please contact Mrs Mann to discuss: jasbir.mann@falconsprimary.org 

Safeguarding is Everyone's Business

If you have any safeguarding worries or concerns, in the first instance please contact Mrs Mann to discuss: jasbir.mann@falconsprimary.org 

Never Alone - Help Agencies and Telephone Numbers
Click here 


Operation Encompass

Operation Encompass is a national scheme that operates jointly between schools and all police forces. All Leicester Schools have become part of a new safeguarding initiative, which aims to improve outcomes for children and families affected by domestic violence and abuse.
This scheme has been designed to provide early reporting to schools of any domestic abuse incidents that might have an impact on a child that attends their school. The approach, known as Operation Encompass is used in a number of other places across the UK and is run in partnership with Leicester City Council and Leicestershire Police.

All public agencies currently share information where there are safeguarding concerns or risk of harm to children and the Police currently share information on all incidents of domestic abuse in Leicester with Leicester City Council.

To further support the welfare of children this information sharing is being extended. During the school term our Designated Safeguarding Lead will now be informed when any domestic abuse incident has been reported to the police and one of our pupils was in the household. It will not give any details about the incident.

This has been introduced because domestic abuse in a household can have a big impact on children, even if they do not see what is happening.

For more information please click on the link below:

Operation Encompass