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Falcons Primary School

Year 5 2021-2022

This year the classes are:

 Avocet Class - taught by Mrs White

Jay Class - taught by Mrs Vaz

Year 5 2020-2021

Year 5 have been looking at the work of Andy Warhol and they really enjoyed creating their own Pop Art!

Andy Warhol Pop art

Year 5 2019-2020


In Year 5 we have been learning all about Ancient Egypt as part of our topic “Pharaohs”. Children delved into the History and Geography of Ancient Egypt and even learned about the process of Mummification! To celebrate the end of an amazing learning journey, we held an Egyptian Day where children came dressed up as Egyptians and took part in an Egyptian themed day. There were a range of activities such as cracking hieroglyphic codes, Egyptian treasure hunt, making pyramids and mummifying their peers!